How can I get rid of foot odor naturally?

Smell PRODUCING microorganisms are to be faulted for your stinky feet, says Neal Kramer, a podiatrist in Bethlehem, Pa. These bugs flourish in the environment your feet give -hot, dull, and wet. Take after these five steps to wipe them out. 

1. CLEAN YOUR FEET. Clean your feet with cleanser and water and dry them altogether, utilizing a speedy impact from a hair dryer to evacuate all dampness. Doing so will "cook off every one of those microbes," says Jeanne Rose, a cultivator in San Francisco. 

2. CLEAN HOUSE. Washing your feet won't help if the microscopic organisms stay on your tub floor or in your socks. Scour the tub each time you bathe, and just wear clean socks. 

3. SPRINKLE ON POWDER. Rose recommends freshening up with unadulterated powdered sage (Salvia officinalis); sprinkle the herb on your feet every prior day you slip on socks. 

4. GET GOOD SHOES. Decide on open-toed shoes when conceivable and stay away from elastic and plastic ones. Don't wear the same pair two days consecutively; it takes them no less than 24 hours to dry. 

5. Take in YOUR ANATOMY. A structural deformity like a level sole or high curve could result in your feet to work harder and hence sweat more, Kramer says. Sweat doesn't essentially prompt rotten feet, yet microorganisms love the dampness. Think about seeing as a podiatrist for a fitted shoe embed that will permit your feet to unwind and, thusly, give off less hotness.

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